Friday, January 23, 2009

Mrow, I'm a Sexy Sexy Kitty

Mrow, I'm so sexy, I'm so sexy that I need to wear a huge gigantic completely large leopard hat. My god, what the hell was the woman thinking. See I would wear a hat like this knowing that it was a joke, this lady nuh uh, she was serious. She was wandering around like the best thing since sliced bread in her so spotted so leopard hat. Jesus, somebody please put that kitty to sleep. I mean it's just GOD AWFUL. The only way to fix this is to take the damn thing off and bury it in the backyard with all the other dead faux fur items ever created, or make a rug out of it. I don't know which would be better. I could almost go hunting for this woman, shoot the damn thing off her head and then cheer. YAY I successfully killed a terrible furry hat! Take it off, please...PLEASE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha I swear this has got to be illegal somehow. Then again, there aren't any faces/names shown, so... you keep on rockin'. Besides, that hat is just asking for it.