Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Now I don't know how you feel about bright colors, but I for one think they should be paired together strategically and in a well thought manner. I myself am not a fan of them, my closet consisting of mainly warm tones and black. Though I applaud the daring for pairing multiple shades of bright colors together to formulate a wonderful outfit, but there are many who are incapable of pulling off such a magical thing.

Last night I went to a community theatre production. I used to be a member and so had the privilege of sitting in the back with a headset on cracking jokes with the spotlight woman. Intermission. A woman strolls by wearing, wait for it, red boots, tight spandex purple leggings and a tight red top. She wasn't a small girl by any means and her stomach rolls were easily visible.

Now whoever said that red and purple matched was seriously disturbed and whoever told this woman that should be shot. Immediately. She looked like a misshapen tree ornament. What made it even more alarming was the fact that she seemed perfectly confident in her outfit. HELLO, get a mirror and realize that you don't match, number one, and number two that you can see every bump and wrinkle on your entire body.

Now if she had been wearing a pair of black jeans with the red that would have looked nice and maybe a longer top, but come on. Purple? Purple leggings? Was she trying to look like barney? I don't know and I hope I never see something that frightening again.

Purple and Red will never match. Please take note.

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